If you need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account (most often because we are using Amazon's S3 service for storage), here is how to create the account and then provide us access.

Create Your Account

  1. Visit the signin page and create your account
  2. Once created, you will likely want to visit the Billing section and add a payment method (Preferences > Payment Methods)

Grant Us Access

  1. To grant us access, visit the service called IAM (Services > Security, Identity & Compliance > IAM).
  2. In the left sidebar, click on Users
  3. Click on the Add User button
  4. For "User Name" enter webinstinct
  5. Check both boxes under "Access Type" ("Programmatic access" and "AWS Management Console access"
  6. Leave Autogenerated Password checked under "Console password"
  7. Click on the button that says Next: Permissions
  8. Click on Attach Existing Policies Directly
  9. Enter S3 in the searchbox and find the policy called AmazonS3FullAccess. Check that box.
  10. Click the Next: Tags button
  11. Click the Next: Review button
  12. Review the information and click the Create User button
  13. On the next screen, please provide us the following details. Please do not email these credentials! Submit using Priority Support here on our 
    1. The login URL (found in the green box)
    2. The user (should be webinstinct)
    3. The Access key ID
    4. The Secret access key
    5. The Password

And with that, you're all set. Thank you!