
Server timezone

The timezone setting on our hosting servers depends on the physical location of the particular server.

  • Our servers in the Hong Kong data center are in the HKT time zone (UTC/GMT +8 hours).

  • Our servers in the US data center (Boston, MA) are in the EST time zone (UTC/GMT -5 hours). During the summer, when Daylight Saving Time is in effect, the time zone is changed to EDT (UTC/GMT -4 hours).

  • Our servers in Europe are in the EET time zone (UTC/GMT +2 hours). When Daylight Saving Time is in effect, the time zone is changed to EEST (UTC/GMT +3 hours).

You can check our Changing the server timezone in PHP scripts article for more details on how to change the server timezone for your PHP scripts.

If you wish to change the timezone for your MySQL sessions, please refer to our Setting MySQL session time zone article.