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K-9 Mail (IMAP over SSL)

To configure K-9 Mail to send and receive email using our servers using IMAP and SMTP over SSL/TLS, please follow the steps below. Please replace:

Attention with your email address with your domain name with your server's host name (you can find your server's host name listed in the upper left corner of your Control Panel)


1. If you still do not have K-9 Mail, you can obtain it from Google Play. To do that, please ensure that your device is connected to the Internet.

If you have a QR code reader installed, you can find K-9 Mail by scanning this code:

K-9 QR code

Once you have the application installed, have it started.

2. Enter your email address and its current password. Click Next.

Set up a new account

3. Choose IMAP.

Account type

4. Specify the following details:

: (replace with your email address)
Password: Enter the current password for the mailbox
IMAP server: (replace with the server's hostname)
Security type: Choose SSL/TLS (always)
Authentication type: Leave the default option selected (PLAIN)
Port: Enter 993
Auto-detect IMAP namespace: Uncheck this option 
IMAP path prefix: Enter INBOX (capital letters)
Use compression on network: Leave the default options selected

Press Next.

Incoming server settings

5. К-9 Mail will verify your settings; active Internet connection is required.

6. On the screen that follows, specify the following details:

SMTP server: (replace with the server's hostname).
Security type: STARTTLS (always)
Port: Leave the default option (587)
Require sign-in: Mark this setting
Authentication type: Leave the default setting selected (AUTOMATIC)
Username: (replace with your e-mail address)
Password: The password of your mailbox is specified here automatically

Outgoing server settings

7. On this step, you need to specify the following:

Folder poll frequency
: Leave the default setting selected (Never)
Enable push mail for this account: Mark this option.

You need to configure the following three options according to your preferences. 
Press Next.

Account options

8. This is the last step for configuring K-9 Mail.

Give this account a name (optional): You can write a short description of your account in your e-mail client. This name would show up only in your own mail program. You can set a name such as "Work Account", "Sales mail" or your name for example.
Type your name (displays on outgoing messages): You should enter the name, which you would like to appear on the messages you send.
Click Done.

Almost done