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Windows Phone 8 (IMAP & SMTP over SSL)

To configure Windows Phone 8 to receive and send email using our servers over IMAP and SMTP over SSL, you can follow the steps below. In this manual we are using example domain name and email address, so please make sure to replace:

Attention with your email address
with your domain name with your server name (The server name is included in your Welcome email)


1. On your Windows Phone 8 Start screen flick left to the App list and tap Settings.

2. Tap Email + accounts.

3. Tap Add an account.

Tap Add an account.

4. Scroll down and tap Advanced Setup.

Tap Advanced Setup.

5. Enter in the E-mail Address field (replace with your email address).
In the Password field you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.

Configure your email account.

Tap the Next button.

6. Tap Internet email.

Tap Internet email account.

7. On the next step, you need to configure your email account.

Account name: enter a short description of your account in your e-mail client. This name will show up only in your own email program. You can set a name such as "Work Account", "Sales mail" or your name for example.

Your name: enter the name that will appear in the email messages that you send.

Incoming email server: enter (replace with your server name).

Account type: tap IMAP.

Configure your email account.

8. Scroll down.

User name: enter your mailbox name - (replace with your email address).

Password: enter your password.

Configure your email account.

Outgoing (SMTP) email server: enter (replace with your server name).

Outgoing server requires authentication: checked.

Use the same user name and password for sending email: checked.

Configure your email account.

9. Tap advanced settings.

Use the following settings:

Require SSL for incoming email: checked.

Require SSL for outgoing email: checked.

Download new content: configure according to your needs.

Download email from: configure according to your needs.

Configure your email account.

10. Tap Sign in.